Here at Dubai Art we focus on providing fine art replicas and beautiful oil portraits and landscapes for our discerning client base. dubai art, dubai art galleries and art duba
Current clients range from art collectors wishing replicas of their existing collection for their homes and other properties, to Interior Designers wishing to furnish their projects with appropriate artwork, to art-loving UAE residents wishing to decorate their homes with a selection of their favourite artwork. dubai art, art dubai, dubai art galleries all painted by Dubai Art.
All our commissions are painted to order to the individual briefs of our clients. Large canvases are a particular specialist area, with our largest single canvas commission measuring 340cm x 190cm.
You may wish your home to be decorated with several fine oil replicas of classic Impressionist masterpieces by the likes of Monet, Renoir or Cezanne. Or perhaps Renaissance masterpieces by Da Vinci, Botticelli or Breughel might be more to your taste.
Wherever your preferences lie, we'll be able to re-create your favourite pieces of the artwork for your homes or offices. Be it:
Dubai Art
Have a favourite painting?
If you would prefer something a bit more luxurious than a poster or print of your favourite paintings at home, our professional artists can help. Dubai Art can painstakingly hand-paint you a fine art replica of your favourite masterpiece just like the original. Perhaps you've always wanted an oil painting of Monet's Japanese Bridge or the Mona Lisa? To give you some inspiration, below is our portfolio showing some of our fine art replicas that clients have asked us to commission.
Landscapes from Photos (Dubai skyline, Desert view)
Oil Portrait of Sheikh Mohammed by Dubai Art Beautiful Child Portrait by Dubai Art Child Portrait by Dubai Art
Dubai Art, only employs exceptional and talented artists specially trained in specific disciplines. We are used to solving art-acquiring woes and serving as consultants for new commissions. We're a dedicated knowledgeable company that lets you describe your properties or ideas for a space, and will produce appropriate suggestions to create the perfect piece of art.
New Dubai Art Portfolio
Dubai Art has just finished publishing it's first online portrait magazine! We've included a variety of portrait examples for you to look at, alongside the original photos that were supplied to out portrait artists.Just click on the image below to take a look. We hope you enjoy it! If you would like to commission a portrait or if you just want a quote please email